Our Story

Drink What??
THE Name

Nothing brings relief, builds resilience, and provides restorative comfort quite like tea. Moyo means "life" in Malawi. With this in mind, we decided to name our company Drink Moyo.

our founder
Jordan Price

After serving with the Peace Corps in the Kingdom of Lesotho, Jordan traveled to Malawi in 2009 to work alongside government officials on health programs. He later moved into a tent in a national park to help manage an elementary education and health nonprofit. As a lifelong outdoor enthusiast, camper, and hiker, it was his dream job. For two years, Jordan dodged elephants and hippos on his walk to work, giving him renewed appreciation for rural farmers.

Jordan eventually wandered south to Thyolo District, chatting with Malawians in tea gardens about their love for curiosity and intentional craftsmanship. This experience made a lifelong impression.